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    How do my Stats work?

    Demi Ryu
    Demi Ryu

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    How do my Stats work? Empty How do my Stats work?

    Post  Demi Ryu Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:27 pm

    How do my stats work?

    Rest assured it’s not that difficult, but to figure out how you must read these instructions. First and foremost, your skills will increase as you rank up, so rest assured, when you start out, those are not your final stats. These stats are to be used as a guide for battling. They allow both you and your opponent to know what their opponent is capable of.

    Each race has stats that are similar and different from each other. For instance, Shinigami have Kidou and Shunpo, where as Hollows and Arrancars have Hollow powers and Sonido. These difference have both advantages and disadvantages, for instance, Hollows gain powers faster and transform into Arrancars earlier, gaining a good deal of power, where as Shinigami gain large amounts of power over time. Whichever race you choose be sure to understand how ranking up will affect you.

    You begin with 10 points in each of your 4 areas. You are also given 6 points to distribute amongst them as you like, for some individuality. Each time you rank up each of your stats will increase by 3 and you are given 1 points to place where ever you choose.


    Whenever Hollows increases their class gains 2 points to any stat they wish.

    Hollows begin their life simply as transformed Human souls. From rank 1 to 6 you are known simply as a Hollow, a monster that devours the souls of Humans and Shinigami alike. From rank 1 to 5 in addition to the 2 threads needed to rank up, a player using a Hollow must also include a thread based around their Hollow devouring the soul of a Human or Shinigami. At rank 6, in order to increase to rank 7, a player using a Hollow must make the third thread about devouring other Hollows, rather than human and shinigami souls.

    At rank 7 a Hollow transforms into a Menos. Menos are conglomerations of hundreds of normal Hollows, resulting in a single composite entity of far greater strength than any normal Hollow. Menos are created when the void within an ordinary Hollow's heart becomes so substantial that Human souls are incapable of sustaining it, at which point it begins devouring fellow Hollows. The Player begins it's life as a Menos as a Gillian, or the weakest class of Menos. They are giant in comparison to other Hollows, dwarfing even the largest standard Hollows by at least the size of a two-story building, but lack agility and intelligence. Though Gillians usually have no personality to speak of, which makes them dangerous since they have no mind of their own, one of the many Hollows that comprise it might gain control over the new entity, reflected in the unique mask it wears in comparison to a normal Gillian. Only these Gillian variants have the potential to evolve into Adjuchas-class Menos. The evolution is facilitated by the continued cannibalization of fellow Hollows, even other Gillians. A player using a Gillian who wishes to rank up must submit the required amount of threads, plus 1 thread describing them devouring at least 4 hollows or devouring 1 to 2 Gillians. If the thread is about devouring a Gillian, one of the mods will play the part of the other Gillian, just pm them before hand. In order for a Gillian to advance to rank 13 they must submit the required amount of threads, and 2 Gillian Devouring threads. Once rank 13 is acquired a Gillian must make a thread depicting their transformation into an Adjuchas.

    At rank 13 a Gillian transforms into an Adjuchas. Adjuchas can vary radically in appearance, anywhere from bulky humanoids to the jaguar-like form of Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez. Unlike the Gillians, they are roughly human-sized though a few like Poww could be much bigger. They are also much smarter than the Gillian class, and have the power to challenge a captain. It is also likely they could fight evenly with at least a Shinigami lieutenant. In order to rank up an Adjuchas must submit the required amount of threads, and at least 2 threads depicting them devouring several Hollow (at least 4 per thread). In order to advance to rank 28, an Adjuchas must submit the required amount of threads and 3 threads depicting their devouring of at least 4 Hollows in each. Once the Adjuchas advances to rank 28, they player must submit a thread depicting their Adjucha’s transformation into a Vasto Lorde.

    Vasto Lorde are the pinnacle of Hollow transformations. They appear almost completely humanoid, and surpass an average Captain-Class Shinigami in power, skill, and speed. In order to rank up, a Vasto Lorde must submit the required amount of threads and 2 threads depicting them devouring at least 5 Hollows each.

    When a Gillian becomes an Adjuchas they gain a bonus to all stats equal to the amount of Gillians they had devoured in the extra thread required to reach ranks 13 to 18 (max 12). If they chose to devour Hollows they gain a bonus equal to the amount of hollows they devoured in order to achieve ranks 17 and 18 (max 12).

    When an Adjuchas becomes a Vasto Lorde it gains a bonus to all stats equal to the amount of Hollows it had devoured in the extra threads required to reach ranks 25, 26, and 27 (max 18).


    At rank 10, 15, 20, and 25 Arrancar gain 2 points to any stat they wish.

    After reaching rank 5, a Hollow can become an Arrancar whenever they wish. In order to do so, they must first PM a mod asking permission. Once that has been acquired they must make a thread describing the transformation.

    When a Hollow becomes and Arrancar they gain an extra 12 points to all skills. An Arrancar learns how to use their Resurreccion at level 12, or if the Hollow is already past Rank 12 when they become an Arrancar they immediately learn their Resurreccion at the next Rank. When an Arrancar uses their Resurreccion they gain a temporary boost to all stats. All stats increase by a number equal to half their rank, rounded up, in addition, the character also gains a bonus to their highest stat equal to half their rank.
    For instance:

    Billy the Arrancar’s stats look like this.
    Swordsmanship: 40
    Hollow Powers: 75
    Sonido: 45
    Hand to hand: 50

    We’ll say Billy is at rank 20. That would mean he gains +10 to all of his stats, plus 10 to one of his stats. So his new stats look like this:

    Swordsmanship: 50
    Hollow Powers: 95
    Sonido: 55
    Hand to hand: 60

    See, our good friend Billy is much more powerful now. Once the battle is over, and Billy returns to normal, he gets a temporary minus, due to fatigue. The minus is equal half the player’s rank, rounded down. At Rank 28 the player no longer takes any minuses after the use of Resurreccion. After minus, the stats would look like this until Billy rests. And yes, it does stack, so that 30 would turn into a 20 if Resurreccion is used again without fatigue, and so on and so forth. The stats return to normal after a rest.

    Swordsmanship: 30
    Hollow Powers: 65
    Sonido: 35
    Hand to hand: 40


    A Shinigami gains Shikai at Rank 9 and Bankai at rank 18. A Shinigami must learn these two abilities in order to increase to the next tier. A shinigami can learn to summon their Hollow mask if they are to become a Vizard at rank 20.

    Once a Shinigami reaches Shikai they gain an extra 7 points to all stats. When a Shinigami uses Shikai they gain a temporary boost to all stats equal to 5. This bonus changes to 6 at rank 13, 7 at rank 19, 8 at 25, and 9 at 28. As Shinigami rank up, this bonus increases by 1 ever 6 ranks. So, at rank 34, this bonus would be 10.
    Once a Shinigami reaches Bankai, they gain an extra 15 points to all stats. When a Shinigami uses Bankai they gain a bonus to all stats equal to half their rank, rounded up, +3 to each stat, then, an additional bonus to their highest stat equal to half their rank, rounded up. This additional 3 increased by 1 at each even numbered level after achieving bankai.
    It is important to note that your Bankai bonus stacks onto your Shikai bonus. This is because when a Shinigami uses shikai they are at one level, then when they use bankai, that level increases again, further increasing their power. The power stacks on top of each other to give an accurate increase.

    So, an example of this:
    John: Rank 24
    Kidou: 56
    Hand to Hand: 35

    John uses shikai. He gains +7 to all stats
    So, John’s new stats look like this:

    Kidou: 63
    Swordsmanship: 62
    Shunpo: 67
    Hand to hand: 60

    Once Shikai ends, and the player's stats returns to normal, they take a minus to all stats equal to 5 (this never changes) due to fatigue. This minus also stacks. A shinigami no longer suffers this minus after reaching rank 18.

    When a shinigami uses bankai, the bonus they gain to their stats stacks with the bonus they gain from shikai. So if a Shinigami goes directly from normal to bankai, they gain both the bonuses from shikai and bankai.

    So, if John's stats after changing into Shikai are this:
    Kidou: 63
    Swordsmanship: 62
    Shunpo: 67
    Hand to hand: 60

    When he increases to bankai he gains +12 to each stat for half his rank, +6, and +12 to his highest stat, which is shunpo. So his new stats look like this:

    Kidou: 81
    Swordsmanship: 80
    Shunpo: 92
    Hand to hand: 78

    After Bankai has ended, and the player returns to normal, they take a minus to all stats equal to half the Character’s rank, rounded down, due to fatigue. This also stacks, as it did with the Arrancar, so the new stats would look like this, until they Shinigami rests:

    Kidou: 44
    Swordsmanship: 43
    Shunpo: 48
    Hand to hand: 23

    Again, the stats return to normal after rest. After rank 28, the Shinigami does not suffer any minuses.


    When A Vizard summons their Hollow mask they gain a +7 to all stats, then, every 5 ranks, that stat increase goes up by 1. So at rank 25, when a Vizard manifests their mask, they gain +8 to all stats. The Hollow mask is able to remain for 3 posts at Rank 20. The number of posts a Hollow mask may remain increases by 1 every 5 ranks. So, at rank 25, a Vizard can manifest their mask for 4 posts and during those posts gain +7 to all stats. After the mask vanishes, their stats return to the number they would be at if the mask was off (this way, if Bankai is also active, you still gain the stat bonus. Only subtract the bonus from the Mask when it’s effects end). In order to increase the amount of time a Vizard can summon their mask every 5th level a Vizard must post a “Mask Training” thread to be reviewed by a Mod.


    At rank 10, 15, 20, and 25 Humans gain 2 points to any stat they wish.

    A Human gains the first level of their powers at rank 1 and the second level of their power at rank 12. The second power, in essence, acts as their transformation, not all that different from Shikai, Bankai, Resurrección, and Hollows masks. A Human's powers must focus on one of their skills (speed and agility, swordsmanship, hand to hand, special items and powers).

    When the first power is activated the character gains a +5 bonus to the stat that is affected by the power.

    So if Ginny’s power effects Agility and speed, she gains +5 to her speed and agility skill. This bonus ends when the power ends, or is the power is dissipated. After rank 10, this increases by 1 every other rank.

    From rank 1 to 5, the character takes a minus 2 to all stats due to fatigue after the power ends. Resting will end this minus. Once a character reaches rank 5 they no longer take minuses when the first power ends.

    The second form of the power is accessible at rank 12. The character gains a bonus to all stats equal to 7, plus, they gain a bonus to the stat their power relies on equal to half their rank, rounded up.

    These bonuses to stats only last while a Human's Powers are active. They do not effect a Human's base stats unless otherwise stated.

    For instance, Ginny activates the second level of her powers. Her powers rely on speed and agility. So, her stats look like this without the bonus:

    Level 15
    Special Items: 25
    Swordsmanship: 40
    Speed and agility: 55
    Hand to hand: 40
    With the bonus, the stats look like this:

    Special Items: 33
    Swordsmanship: 48
    Speed and agility: 71
    Hand to hand: 48

    After the power ends, the stats return to normal, with a minus equal to 7. This minus ends after a rest. At rank 18 a character no longer takes this minus after the power ends.

    At rank 25 Humans no longer gain bonuses from ranking up (with the exception of those given through training Human powers).

    Humans have the ability to train their abilities and gain additional bonuses when ranking up. If a Human spends at least half of their posts required to rank up training their powers (first or second) at the next rank a human gains +2 to each stat their power doesn't focus on and +3 to the stat their power does focus on.

    General Stat info:

    When you post, you will post identical to this. At the start of each of your posts you must include your info.

    “Stat 1
    Stat 2
    Stat 3
    Stat 4”

    How to read stats:

    If you are at least 6 points higher than someone in a specific area, you are better than them and are able to get away with slightly outdoing them. If you are at least 11 points higher than someone you are able to fight on a whole different level than them. Think Renji vs. Ichigo when they first met. If you are 20 points or higher than them, you completely decimate them, the lower is absolutely no challenge to the higher. If two people of a lower level are fighting 1 person of a higher level, this can be altered slightly.

    Shikai training:

    A Shinigami can train for their Shikai as soon as rank 5. This training may count toward the total amount of threads needed to rank up. A thread based around training for shikai, as long as there are more than 10 posts in said thread, counts as 2 threads for ranking up purposes. YOU MAY ONLY USE 1 SHIKAI TRAINING THREAD PER RANK UP. Once a Shinigami reaches shikai they are not able to use the double thread rule for shikai training. So at rank 9, when a shinigami learns to use shikai, if they choose to train for a new shikai ability this would only count as 1 thread for ranking up purposes. While training a shinigami is able to go into their Inner World and attempt to discover the manifestation of their Zanpakuto spirit and training to release it. Once level 9 rolls around, with permission from the mod, a player can post the first release of their shikai. A can only use the general ability of their Shikai at first. A player can PM one of the game moderators and ask for the other abilities they may have listed for their shikai. The moderator will review the player’s posts and decide, then PM the player back with a yes or no.

    Bankai training:

    Shinigami and Arrancar differ in two different ways. Arrancar gain their power sooner, but it develops over time. Shinigami gain their Bankai in one giant burst later on. A Shinigami can train for their Bankai as soon as rank 15. During this training, the same principals as shikai training (1 training thread counting as 2 threads for ranking up purposes) apply.When a player reaches rank 19, with the moderator’s approval, the Shinigami can then proceed to release bankai for the first time.

    Vizard Mask Training:

    When a Vizard wishes to increase the amount of time they are allowed to retain their Hollow mask they must train. When a Vizard reaches the 5th level after successfully summoning their mask they must create a thread depicting their training to increase the time limit. Afterwards the player must pm a mod with a link to the thread. The mod will then decide if the Vizard’s Mask time will increase. Little advice. The post you make in the training thread should be long, detailed, and well thought out.

    Resurreccion Training:

    Arrancar can train for their Resurression as soon as they transform from a Hollow into an Arrancar. They must make 5 posts in at least 1 thread per rank that are about them training for resurreccion. Once they reach rank 15, with the approval of the Moderator of the game, the Arrancar may use their resurreccion for the first time.

    Human Powers Training:

    Let's face it. In the Bleach world normal humans will never be a powerful as higher level Shinigami or Arrancar. In this game though, we attempt to at least make them playable. As such, we have given the human players a chance to increase their stats through training their powers. A Human character has a chance to gain additional bonuses when ranking up to even numbered ranks. When participating in threads used for ranking up to an even numbered rank, if a human player focuses on training their first level of power they must spend at least 1 thread training said power. When ranking up to the even numbered rank the Human players gains an additional +2 to each of their skills their power doesn't focus on, and +3 to the skill their power does focus on. When a player wishes to train for their second level of power they must have at least 2 threads focusing on training their power. When hitting an even numbered rank that player then gains +4 to the skill the power focuses on and the bonus given by the power to the skill the power focuses on during activation is increased by +3. A Human can only train for one power at a time when ranking up. It is crucial for Humans to do this training because of their lack of power increase after reaching rank 25. After rank 25, this training is the only way for humans to increase their stats minus the various items they may find throughout the game.

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