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    Quincy Rules

    Demi Ryu
    Demi Ryu

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    Quincy Rules Empty Quincy Rules

    Post  Demi Ryu Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:34 pm

    Quincy Rules

    Quincy functions differently than the other races in this game. Unlike other races, who continue to grow more powerful as they advance through the Ranks, Quincy powers stop growing at a certain point, then; they must rely on Items specifically made for Quincy to grow more powerful.

    At rank 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 25 Quincy gain 3 points to any skill they wish.

    At Rank 25 a Quincy no longer gains any bonuses for Ranking up.


    All Quincies have the ability to create a unique spirit bow, and subsequently generate spirit arrows for the bow, using a Quincy cross or pentacle. The bow and arrows are both made up completely of reiryoku from the users surroundings, and last as long as the wielder's stamina and reiryoku reserves allow.

    Reiryoku Absorption: Unlike Shinigami, who use their inner Reiryoku to fight, the Quincy fuel their abilities by absorbing the Reiryoku of their surroundings in the form of spirit particles. They primarily absorb them from the atmosphere, and have an easier time collecting this energy in environments with higher concentrations of spiritual particles, such as Soul Society or Hueco Mundo. To a sufficiently powerful Quincy, there is no difference between spiritual particles and spiritual energy as a source of power.

    Reiryoku Manipulation: one can manipulate spiritual energy for offensive purposes. They most commonly reshapes spiritual particles into various types of bow and arrows, but can also concentrate spiritual energy into the form of swords or explosives.

    Hirenkyaku: To perform the technique, the user gathers spiritual particles under their feet and rides them to the desired location. Like the air-walking skill displayed by most Arrancar and Shinigami, it can also be used to hover or fly for long distances. Mayuri compliments Uryū on being able to use this technique at such a young age, suggesting that it is difficult to master. Hirenkyaku enables Quincies to keep up with, and overpower faster opponents depending on the user's skill. Uryū Ishida used it to easily defeat a seated Shinigami officer, a Números Arrancar, and even a former Espada in combat. However, there is apparently more use for the technique than simply moving quickly.

    Abilities gained through Ranking up:

    At first, a Quincy is only able to generate a variety of bows and arrows. At Rank 14 a Quincy is able to generate a sword of Spiritual Energy. When a Quincy generates this sword, they gain a temporary 10 points to their “Swordsmanship” Skill. This bonus is removed when the Sword dissipates. A Quincy using a Reishi Sword is unable to use their bows and arrows, though they are able to change the sword directly into a bow or arrow. This counts as dissipating the sword, and the bonus is loss.

    At Rank 16 a Quincy is able to generate a ball of spiritual energy, which can be thrown and acts as an explosive. A Quincy who uses this gains a +10 to their “Marksmanship” skill. This bonus ends immediately after the battle is over. And yes, a Quincy can throw the “Spirit Bomb” and then shoot an arrow and detonate it.

    At Rank 18 a Quincy has fully mastered their spiritual energy manipulation abilities. As such, they are able to create nearly any form of projectile or melee weapon out of reiryoku. This is where a Quincy truly shines. A player reaching this level is able to create whatever power he/she wishes as long as it uses the properties of a long range (rifle for example) or melee (katana for example) weapon. The effects are completely up to the player, but, they must first clear it with a Mod. The player with this power gains +12, +8, +4, and +4 to skills of the player’s choice. No 2 bonuses can be given to the same skill. The bonuses granted by this ability end when the power ends (so say you dissipate the abilities granted by the power, the bonuses also end).

    Quincy Items:

    Quincy Items must be either found or given to you. They give you various effects and power ups that allow Quincy to fight on par with Arrancar and Shinigami. A Quincy is able to hold and gain the effect of 3 objects other than the 3 basic items every Quincy owns. If a Quincy has a bag they are able to carry more items obviously, but it takes 1 posts time to switch two items. You are allowed to choose 1 item other than the basic Quincy items to list on your Character sheet at 1st rank. In order to find or be given another item you must begin a thread describing your adventure to get said item. PM the moderator for permission and they will direct you where to begin the thread.

    Basic Quincy Items:

    Quincy Cross: The bow's focal point is the Quincy cross, acting as the focus for a Quincy bow. The cross need not necessarily be in a cross shape, as Ryūken's cross is a pentacle. Uryū's first Quincy cross took the shape of a cross, but his recent one also takes the shape of a pentacle.

    Hollow bait: This item is a small, coin-shaped disk that attracts hollows when crushed.

    Silver tubes or Ginto: Small silver cylinder capsules that store spiritual energy in a liquid form, and are used by Quincy for spellcasting in the same way that Shinigami use Kidō.
    Like Kidō, they are activated by calling out various commands. Marksmanship is the stat used for this. If listed in Character Application, each time it is listed counts for 2 Silver tubes. Other than the two given at first Rank, the Quincy must be given or find others.

    Advanced Quincy Items:

    Seele Schneider: The Seele Schneider is a thin sword that can be fired similarly to an arrow. It's much longer than a standard arrow and functions something like a chainsaw: the spirit particles of its blade vibrate at ultra-high frequencies, loosening the molecular bonds between any spirit matter it cuts so that the Quincy user may easily absorb the freed spirit particles. Uryū also stated that using it increased his spiritual power. While equipped the Quincy gains +7 to their “Marksmanship” Skill. A Quincy must be of Rank 7 or higher to use this item.

    Sanrei Glove: A Quincy's power can be significantly enhanced using the Sanrei Glove.

    1. First of all, the glove operates by repelling spirit particles, making it far more difficult for the Quincy to summon their bow. The first step is to simply create the bow.

    2. Next, a Quincy needs to complete a week of intense training in order to be able to use the glove effectively. This is a difficult task, as the user must keep their bow from dissipating, while simultaneously firing arrows as frequently as possible; Even without the glove on such a feat would be taxing on the wielder, and it eventually causes some injury to the his/her hands by the end of the week.

    3. After the week of endurance training, any Quincy who is able to successfully utilize their powers while wearing the glove can thus reach much higher levels of power, as they are now far more skilled at collecting reishi. His/her power, speed and stamina have now all been augmented.
    A Quincy must be at Rank 12 or higher in order to use this item. In order to perform this task the player must PM a Moderator of the game, saying where they will be attempting this. The player must post at least 10 times within the Thread designed for this task, depicting the thoughts of the Quincy as they go through this ordeal. Once the Quincy finishes this task, they gain +12 to each of their stats. This bonus does not vanish, unless the Quincy chooses to remove the glove. If the Quincy does remove said glove, they gain a bonus to each of their stats equal to whatever Rank they are at +15. This bonus lasts until the battle is over. Afterwords, all of the Quincy’s stats become 10 and they are unable to use any powers or Quincy items unless it is the Quincy Bangle.

    Quincy Bangle: This item is used to mimic the powers of a Quincy. A Quincy that has used the Quincy Final Form and lost their powers is able to use this to mimic the powers of a Quincy. When used by a Quincy who has lost their powers, that Quincy’s stats then become 25 at long as the Bangle remains on. A Quincy that ranks up while the Bangle is equipped gains no Rank up bonuses. If a Quincy Bangle is equipped and a Quincy has not used the Quincy Final Form, it has no effect.

    Schnellfeuer: This small, locket sized Item, when held, allows the Quincy to fire Arrows up to 50% faster. When using this item a Quincy gains a +5 to their “Marksmanship” and “Speed and Agility” Stats. A Quincy must be at least Rank 5 in order to use this item.

    Geschwindigkeit Aufnehmen: These items appears as 2 rings worn on any two fingers. The wearer gain a +7 bonus to any stat they wish. This bonus increases by 1 every 4 ranks. A Quincy must be rank 12 in order to use this item.

    Silber Bolzen: A silver pendant is worn around the user's neck. The wearer gains +4 to their marksmanship skill. The user is able to generate arrows with a silver tinge, whose potency is roughly 2 times greater than a regular arrow. A Quincy wishing to use this item must be at least rank 3.

    Feuer: The Arrow of Spiritual Energy is engulfed in a blue-white flame that will burn anything the arrow touches. It can also be used to create fires when something flammable is hit by the arrow. The item itself takes the form of a ring to be worn on a finger. A Quincy must be at least Rank 1 in order to use this item.

    Elektrisch: Blue-white electricity sparks up and down the energy Arrow a Quincy forms. When the arrow hits a target, it will lodge itself into the target and electrocute it. Depending on the rank of the Quincy the zap can range from a minor shock, or a paralyzing electrocution. This item takes the form of a ring to be worn on a finger. A Quincy must be at least Rank 1 in order to use this item.

    Schwertkämpfer: A Quincy that uses a sword made of Spiritual energy while this item is equipped gains +7 to their Swordsmanship stat. A Quincy must be at least Rank 14 to use this item. It appears in the form of a ring worn around the wrist. Every 3 Ranks increase this items bonus by 1.

    Frosten: The energy arrow glows icy blue and a mist creeps off of it. Whatever the arrow hits becomes covered in ice. This item takes the form of a ring worn on a finger. Must be at least Rank 5 to use this item.

    Abmessung: Generates an arrow that is able to be fired into a Solid Surface. Once the arrow hits, a portal opens on the surface. The Quincy is able to direct the arrow through the solid surface and open a portal up to 10 meters away, then move through said portal. The arrow ends when the second portal is opened. This item takes the form of a sash worn around the waist. A Quincy must be Rank 20 to use this item.

    Geist Zurückhaltung: This item take the shape of a band worn around the wrist. The Quincy fires an arrow, which then splits into 6 smaller arrows, which carry a spiritual net behind them. The net is used to entangle foes, but an enemy who's rank is higher than the user will be able to easily break free. Quincy of any rank can learn this ability.

    Gehirnerschütterung Handschuh: This item takes the form of a glove which fits the Quincy's hand perfectly. When the Quincy fires an arrow while the item is active the tip of the arrow transforms into a punching glove. The arrow is purely concussive in nature, not piercing. Quincy of any rank can learn ability.

    Schraube: This item takes the shape of an clip on ear ring. When activated, the user's arrows, when fired, twist into a drill like shape. This arrow drills into anything it touches. This is dependent on the level of power of the receiver though. If the receiver is more than 6 ranks higher than the user, the arrows acts like a normal spiritual arrow. A quincy must be rank 4 or higher to learn this ability. The user receives a +6 to their marksmanship skill.

    List of Ginto:

    Heizen: This technique creates a transparent, rectangular beam of energy from silver tubes which slices through the opponent. It is activated by the command "Feel the wrath of battle and accept this sacred chalice - Sacred Bite!"

    Gritz: This technique forms a man-sized pentacle symbol which envelops its target. It is activated by the command "A silver rod strikes the five-fingered stone bed - Quintuple Restraining Frames!"

    Wolke: This technique uses a silver tube to create a large blast. While it may not be intended for use as such, Uryū uses it to cushion the impact of a fall. It is activated by the command "Tilt the goblet to the west - Emerald Grail!"

    Sprenger: This technique uses five Seele Schneiders to create a pentagram-shaped seal, which when activated causes a massive explosion within its borders. When an object or a person stands within the middle of the Pentagram can the placement of the fifth Seele Schneider trap them by wrapping and binding their legs to the ground with dense spirit particles. The Seele Schneiders function as accumulators, gathering the necessary amount of spirit particles to create the explosion. The liquid inside a silver tube acts as the trigger. The preparations for the technique combined with the charging time for the Seele Schneiders make its use in battle impractical unless the user has a partner that can stall to buy time.

    Blitz Füße: This technique increases the Quincy's Hirenkyaku ability. The user gains a +10 to their Speed, Agility, and Hirenkyaku skill for 5 posts. It is activated by the command "The distance between us is growing. Wings are at my feet - Lightning Speed!

    Schatten Rauch: When the silver tube is broken, this technique released black smoke, concealing anything within 40 feet. The smoke's properties are the same as regular smoke. It is activated by the command "Into the shadows I vanish. From the shadows I kill - Shadow Smoke!"

    Geist Rauch: When the silver tube is broken, this technique activates. Purple smoke pours onto the battlefield, surrounding a 40 feet radius. This smoke causes anyone who breathes it to hallucinate the thing they desire most. They will then attempt to acquire that thing at any cost until the smoke wears off. The more smoke breathed in, the longer the hallucination lasts. The smoke carries the same properties as regular smoke and can be blown away. The smoke will dissipate on it's own after 20 minutes. A player effected by this is able to break free of the illusion if they acquire the thing they are hallucinating, if the smoke is blown away, if 20 minutes pass, or if the afflicted realizes they are witnessing a hallucination. This technique afflicts anyone within the smoke, including the user. The user is unable to dissipate the illusion by realizing what they are seeing is an illusion. It is activated by the command "Realize your greatest desire, search for them, their comfort may be your last - Illusion Gas!"

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 21, 2024 4:54 am