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    Natio Shakou


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    Natio Shakou Empty Natio Shakou

    Post  NatioShakou Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:52 pm

    Name: Natio Shakou

    Age: 145

    Gender: Female

    Personality: Natio is always happy and bubbly. She is always willing to learn something new and work on herself where she needs it. At times she can be very sarcatic and not care about what anyone else wants to tell her. Tends to be an outcast, being that she really doesnt understand what has happened to her.

    Hollow Appearance: Natio appears to look like a cat. Her mask is white with three red slashes on each cheek. The eye slits are black and almond shaped. At the top of the mask are tiny ears. The mouth is a large smile revealing sharpe, pointy teeth. She is about 6'6 in this form. Her fingers are long and boney almost like claws.

    Appearance Gillian: looks like many other Gillian’s, her mask remanis the same

    Appearance Adjuchas/Vasto Lordes: In Natio’s Adujchas form her appearance seems to revert back to her Hollow form but the only difference is that her hair is now fiery red and straight. She has spikes that grow out of her arms up to her sholders. In her Vasto Lordes form looks like her Arrancar form but with the mask being completely over her face.

    Hollow Powers: She has the power to casue natual disasters. such and earthquakes, floods and tornadoes. To summon earthquakes she can simply stick her hands in the ground and say "yakuwari" casuing the ground to shake and starts to part. For tornadoes she reahes her hands to the sky and shouts "jiten" casuing strong winds casuing massive distruction. The only time she can summon floods is if it is raining or she makes it rain herslef. she expnads the dropelets when she says "oogata" making the drops massive. Causing bigger floods and much more damange.

    Arrancar Appearance:

    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 130
    Skin: Tan
    Eye color: purple
    hair color/style: curly black hair with a bang parted to the left side.
    She looks as if she is 25 again. Part of her mask is covering her right eye. A hole in her chest where her heart use to be. She wears a red robe with a big black bow tied around her waist. She walks around bare foot. She carries her Wakizashi oh her left side

    Arrancar Powers: able to use elements from nature and channel them for her advantage. She can use her hands to gather the element she needs. She rolls her hand around making a ball of pure energy. either fire, water, lightning, and wind. As long as she is able to concentrate and gather all the power she needs to do it.

    Zanpakuto Name: Asa Kyohaku

    Sealed Zanpakuto: carries a Wakizashi about 40cm long. the blade is silver and handle is black and red. wrapped around it is a gold charm bracelet. Given to her by Kanabashii not to long ago.

    Resurreccion Release Phrase: "This incessant lust wont be satisfied. Even if its just for a little while....I'd like to be human again. If it will make this emptyness and pain go away."

    Resurreccion Appearance: Dring this process her body is engulfed in flames. The marks on her hollow mask appears on her face. Her hands grow into long claws. Her teeth sharpen to a point.

    Resurreccion abilities: Now Natio is able to cause natural disasters with out saying the terms. So it wont slow he down. The power and energy she puts into the attack is much stronger then it ever was and she can control it much better.

    Rank: Rank one

    Skill Level:

    Hollow Powers: 12
    Swordsmanship: 11
    Sonido: 10
    Hand-to-hand: 13

    History: In the human world, Natio was a 25 year old teacher. She enjoyed life and enjoyed the company she shared it with. Natio was never close to her sister Kurai. Kurai believed that Natio was favored more by their parents then she was. Not wanting to admit to it, she was jealous of her sister. She was smart, beautiful,and everyone loved her. Natio was engaged to a famous doctor, Kanbashii Hito, who Kurai dreamed of marrying. Something else her sister distroyed for her. On the day of her wedding as Natio staried at herelf in the mirror, about to become Mrs.Hito, she seen her sisters refelction in the mirror behind her. "you don't deserve him" she said as she steped closer to her sister. Natio backed up into the dresser, scared of what her sister was about to do. In sheer anger Kurai stabed her sister in the heart and eased her down to the floor. She removes a strand of hair from her face and smiled. "Thats what you have been doing to me for years." She places the knife in Natio's hand and closes it tight. Kurai flees from the room leaving Natio in a puddle of her own blood, a few tears staining her cheeks. In time went on her Chain of fate started to corrod entirely before her soul burial. A hollow hole started to form in her chest, she grew mad thinking about all she had lost. How she lost Kanbashii. Tons of emotions filled her. She didnt know what to do with herself. All she knew was that she became a monster.

    RP Sample: She peers in the window o her old appartment, hardly being able to stand what she sees in the reflection, She spots Kanbashii. leaning over, his head cuped in his hands."why her? We had so much planed for our feauture and now....she is gone" He holds a picture close to his heart. Natio knew it had to be of her. He begins to weap. She can see each tear hit the carpet. The stain it made on the carpet reminded her of something. The puddle of blood she layed in before anyone realized the bride was dead. She couldn't watch anymore. Before she was to go to the Soul Society she wanted to see her family once more. In the room that once belonged to her, was Kurai. Spining around dancing."iam finally free from that little witch." she laughs to herself. Natio feels herself grow angry and and moves to look in the next window. To see her parents cuddled together crying. She wish she knew what to do. As she watched she developed this craving she couldnt seem to put her finger on it.

    Last edited by NatioShakou on Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Demi Ryu
    Demi Ryu

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    Natio Shakou Empty Re: Natio Shakou

    Post  Demi Ryu Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:42 pm


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