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    Zachary Xenos


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    Zachary Xenos Empty Zachary Xenos

    Post  FenixFlash Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:59 pm

    Name: Zachary Xenos

    Age: 160

    Gender: Male

    Personality: Calm, cool, and lazy are the few words that can describe this shinigami. While being the so-called protector of spirits and destroyer of hollows, Zack is only out for himself. He follows his own paths and reaches his own goals. Because of this, he sometimes has problems with authority and other people. Zack is not selfish though. He is more than willing to help other people, good or bad, if he feels like it. He doesn’t see everything as black and white and likes to know the feelings of both sides of a struggle. Understanding things in a key point and very important to him when there is conflict. Contrary to this, Zack will often do things without explanation or save his reasoning for later.

    He does what he feels he should do and is never scared to face authority. When in combat, Zack takes his time. He doesn’t fear getting hit or taking an injury. Because he is lazy, he’ll draw a fight out to be as long as possible and he is good at it because he is resilient. It is also rare for Zachary to become truly angry. Very few things piss him off and he tends to keep himself calm only because of the way he fights. He still has a much lighter side. Zack likes to tell jokes that make little sense or are hard to understand. He is often the only one laughing at them, but when ever people do understand his jokes, he grows a liking to them as a comrade. He also has an aversion to fish and refuses to eat anything that is or resembles a fish. It’s to the point where when faced with something fish like, he’s deal with such a thing with extra vigor and effort, just because it is fish-like.

    Appearance: Zachary, also known as Zack, is a tall man with a medium build. Because he was English, he shares a taller and thicker stature than some one of Asian descent. His thick builds carries a well tone body like the one he had when he was alive and before he got the many scars and wounds from the many battles that he fought. However, after is death, a few changes occurred, including his reddened eye color and now naturally spiked hair. Standing at six feet and four inches, the man has an intimidating look to him whenever he isn’t smiling, which can be rare outside of battle.


    Zanpakuto Spirit: Teiryuu takes the appearance of a well dressed slender man in all black. Much like Zack, he is very laid back and is usually never direct with his words. He has a thing for women and often bad mouths Zack for not being a girl. Teiryuu is indeed a pervert. The Zanpakuto’s inner world takes the form of an empty host bar. A host bar is a place women go to flirt with and be flattered by young good looking males. The place is always empty with Teiryuu usually appearing on his couch, or behind the bar.


    Sealed Zanpakuto: Like most other Zanpakuto, Zack’s takes the shape of a katana. However, unlike most others, Zack’s Zanpakuto has no sharp edges, is heavier, and needs more force to actually cut things. However, because of this, his Zanpakuto is more resilient and is much better at defensive maneuvers than most others.

    Shikai Description:

    Impede, Teiryuu! – The blade takes the form of a claymore. While simple in look, it is actually quite heavy, but it is completely possible to wield with one hand. With fifty-five inch straight blade and thirteen inch grip, the weapon is meant for strong single strikes and quick defensive guarding.


    Shikai Abilities:

    [Locked] Even the Playing Field – Teiryuu’s abilities is to nullify secondary effects that other thing have on Zack. The ability is completely passive as long as Teiryuu is released. The meaning of this ability means that other abilities that come from a weapon have no effect on him. For example, consider is an unleashed weapon’s ability is to make the victim feel numb where ever if strikes, Teiryuu nullifies that and leaves the Zack unaffected by it. However, if the ability is to empower its user, Teiryuu can not stop it. Likewise, if the ability of some one else’s weapon is to fire a ball of energy, Teiryuu can not nullify it. Teiryuu only grants Zack protect from things that effect him in the form of a de-buff or impediment. Likewise, Teiryuu can only nullify low level binding kidou currently.

    Bankai Description: [Locked]

    Bankai Abilities:


    Rank: 1

    Skill Level:

    Kidou: 10
    Swordsmanship: 14
    Shunpou: 10
    Hand-to-hand: 12

    Kidou Known: N/A

    History: Back before his death, Zack was a skilled, but not so well known English knight. He was used to fight in the first lines and in doing so, he was use to taking hits and not having enough time to dodge or get away. He was a shield and a tank and he held to win many battles even if he wasn’t given credit for it. By the end of his days, he was covered in scars and battle wounds, each one a memory of victory. But in all the battles that he had fought, there had to be his last one. His battle worn armor and body had fought much longer and harder than any human should have and it finally gave out on him in the battle field at only twenty-three years of age. It was shortly after his death that a shinigami came and he was sent to the soul society. It was here that his after life began in the 80th district.

    Alone, he had to fight to survive in this place with no law. But being a knight, even though he couldn’t remember himself, he had the skill and the power to protect himself and others. He wasn’t a saint, but he liked to protect the innocent. He was a knight after all. And even without a sword, he could fight those that thought he was a push over. But because of his lack of presentable reiatsu and the district he was in, he was never picked as a candidate to become a shinigami. It wasn’t until a few decades later that his reiatsu took surface and became noticeable. It had in fact always been there, but he had never been in a situation where it was needed for show.

    It was in an effort to protect some kids that had wondered into the wrong place at the wrong time. Because the 80th district is one of the worst, the children had eavesdropped on a crime and they were going to be killed for it. But being the semi-noble man that Zack was, he wasn’t going to let that happen and he defended them, taking out all those in the transaction. This event gained him recognition among the shinigami in seireitei and he was inducted into the academy. Not caring either way, he decided to go along with it. Within the academy, he made friends, but otherwise kept to himself. Those friends he made were his close allies and he would often train and spar with them, and even help then whenever it was necessary or he was asked.

    However, Zack never showed any real talent for Kidou. While he was taught how to use it, be never really got the hang of the techniques and got just toss aside what he learned. However, upon the time it was for him to learn the name of his Zanpakuto, he encounter some unusual circumstances. His Zanpakuto, Teiryuu rejected him on the simple fact that he was male. However, Zack was not discouraged and stroke a deal with his sword’s spirit. To put is simply, Teiryuu got first dibs on all the females that Zack meant and Zack would only be allowed to have what Teiryuu did not. After graduating the academy, he was inducted to squad eleven due to his lack of strength with Kidou.

    RP Sample:

    “Here we go again.” Zack said with a simple shake of his head. The man seemed to have a knack of getting himself into trouble.

    It seemed that this time, some of the children he had befriended in the district had witnessed a horrible crime. And as witnesses, they were to be exposed. So who did the child come to for help? Zack, of course. Rising from his seat, Zack sighed, places his hand on one of the little girl’s heads.

    “You kids are so troublesome. You all need to learn to not be so god damn curious.” He muttered to them, just as two sword wielding men entered the home where Zack stayed in pursuit of the children. As they did, the children huddled up behind him to seek safety from their predators. Yawning a bit, Zack scratched his head and took a step forward. “Now seriously guys. Do you really think these kids deserve that harsh a punishment? How about you guys put the swords down and left the crops to harvest for next year?” Zack said, laughing at the end.

    One of the children looked up at him and shook their head. “That was a bad one too Zack…” Yes, one of his infamous non-funny jokes and even at a moment like these.

    However, the two men were not amused and they charged for Zack. Quickly, Zack straightened up and slid one leg along the ground quickly. His foot came into contact with the tip of one of the attackers, effectively tripping him and sending him flying forward. Meanwhile, the second guy swung at Zack and grazed his arm. Then, right afterwards, Zack move to the man’s side, grabbing his still extended arm and tossing him into the already downed man.

    With that, Zack stepped aside so that the children could escape. “Now guys, I’d rather not have to kill you both, but if you refuse to leave those kids alone, I guess I’ll have to.”
    Grimmjow Jaggerjack
    Grimmjow Jaggerjack
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    Zachary Xenos Empty Re: Zachary Xenos

    Post  Grimmjow Jaggerjack Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:53 am

    Nice, another player =D but you could already post about your bankai, even thought the zanpakutoh doesn't seems to want to cooperate, in order to achieve bankai, every shinigami has to force the spirit, so you should achieve it eventually...

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    Zachary Xenos Empty Re: Zachary Xenos

    Post  FenixFlash Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:24 pm

    I understand, but I choose not to add it yet.
    Grimmjow Jaggerjack
    Grimmjow Jaggerjack
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    Zachary Xenos Empty Re: Zachary Xenos

    Post  Grimmjow Jaggerjack Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:44 pm

    OK, then as you wish
    Demi Ryu
    Demi Ryu

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    Zachary Xenos Empty Re: Zachary Xenos

    Post  Demi Ryu Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:50 am


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