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    Lorelei Riviera


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    Lorelei Riviera Empty Lorelei Riviera

    Post  LilNeko19 Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:15 pm

    Name: Lorelei Riviera

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Personality: Lorelei is a hollow that is unlike most others. She is not aggressive or the type to carry malcontent. Lorelei is actually very timid and meek. She tends to avoid others and conflict altogether. She is use to being alone and in that state she feels the safest. She feels that everything is a threat to her existence and rather than fight with those things, she tends to run away instead. Lorelei is incredibly passive. Even when it comes to defending herself, she chooses to inflict as little harm as possible to whatever is trying to hurt her. She tries her best to escape or end a conflict with as little violence as possible because it scares her.

    To put it simply, Lorelei is a coward. She is easily brought to tears and is easily saddened. Even with the powerful hollow ability that she possesses and they potential that it has, Lorelei does not feel she is fit to try and use the power for hurting and conquering others. She fears most things and as a hollow, she will only feed on the souls of recently killed animals. As a hollow, she is afraid of shinigami, Quincy, other hollows, and even humans.

    However, while fear is the central driving force and personality revolves around fear itself, Lorelei does have her own attributes. She was a simple girl, while anti-social; she was one that would take an opportunity if it was given to her. Offer her protection and she’ll gladly take to your side and security. She can be adventurous, but only is sufficient protection comes along with it. And despite her ability to be incredibly powerful, she believes otherwise with a severe lack of self confidence.


    Appearance Regular Hollow: Currently, as a basic hollow, Lorelei’s appearance is far from her former human self. As a hollow, her current form resembles that of a red dragon. Large and long, the hollow has a long tail and large wingspan. She is easily capable of flight and can fly pretty quickly. Her length from head to tail is around one hundred feet while her wingspan is a shorter eighty feet. But despite being large and even menacing looking, Lorelei is still very meek. Her hole is located at the base of her neck.

    Lorelei – Basic Hollow

    Appearance Gillian: As a Gillian, Lorelei looks like many of the other normal Gillians.

    Appearance Adjuchas/Vasto Lordes: Lorelei looks much the same as an Adjuchas and a Vasto Lorde, only her form as a Vasto Lorde is smaller and more compact. She is now mostly blue with wide scaly limbs. Her hole has moved to her upper left chest.

    Lorelei – Adjuchas/Vasto Lorde

    Hollow Powers:

    Void – Lorelei’s hollow ability is to create absolute nothing. These pockets of absolute nothing are created by erase all forms of energy and matter from a spot, creating a vacuum. Soon after their creation, these pockets collapse upon themselves like all vacuums do. Currently the pockets of space that Lorelei can create are very small. They are about the size of a golf ball and she must be touching the edge of where the void will be formed. They are created at the edge of Lorelei’s fingers and form a second after she wills them to. However, once she becomes use to her abilities more, the power will become stronger.

    Hollow Only abilities: N/A

    Appearance Arrancar: The remnants of her masks as an Arrancar, which is the jagged left side left on her face, remain the same after release. Her hole is in the uppoer left part of her chest.

    Lorelei – Arrancar

    Arrancar Powers: N/A

    Zanpakuto Name: N/A

    Sealed Zanpakuto: N/A

    Resurreccion Release Phrase: N/A

    Resurreccion Appearance: When Lorelei releases her Resrreccion, her Arrancar form grows a single wing and her Zanpakuto becomes an incredibly large scythe. The remnants of her masks as an Arrancar, which is the jagged left side left on her face, remain the same after release.

    Lorelei – Arrancar

    Resurreccion abilities: N/A

    Rank: 1

    Skill Level:

    Hollow Powers: 13
    Swordsmanship: 10
    Sonido: 13
    Hand-to-hand: 10

    History: Lorelei’s life before her death was a very lonely one. She was born the child of two very hard working parents. They were workaholics and were rarely around for Lorelei has a child. As soon as she was waned, Lorelei was left in the care of a nanny more than her parents even saw her. She grew up lonely and without a parents love. She went to school alone, ate alone, and just generally grew up alone. She didn’t learn to trust or befriend others and was one of those types that just ended up as background scenery for everyone else’s life. All through her middle school and high school life, she was overlooked, not because she was not beautiful, but because she didn’t have a friendly aura around her. She was lonely to the point where people just felt that they should avoid her.

    And then, after she had graduated and moved out on her own, she became completely disconnected from the world. There were times she would go days without speaking to a single person, and this made her an easy target. Not for hollows, but for the bad people of the world. A short year after Lorelei was living on her own; her life came to an end. As man had broken into her home, raped her and then murdered the girl. Her death was tragic and far from swift. However, due to her seclusion, news of her death did not get out until some time later. Lorelei’s now wandering spirit desperately tried to find a way to reconcile.

    But, even though she was no longer among the living, her only family, and her parents were still busy. And even after finding out about her death, they only had time to attend her funeral for a few short minutes before they were off working again. Even though she had died and was gone from the world, no one had missed her. It was as if she was not supposed to exist in the first place. Then, while her depressed and saddened soul wandered the cold Earth, she was introduced to Hueco Mundo via a hollow. The sadness and regret that Lorelei was producing attracted hollows to her. And out of fear, she always ran and ran until the point where she became a hollow herself.

    And now, only a year after her death, Lorelei had become a hollow and wandered the plains of Hueco Mundo, avoiding all the conflict she could and hoping that she could just be alone like she was before. Her feelings of worthlessness and wanting to make herself disappear manifested her hollow powers, which she can barely use correctly. And now, in the dragon hollow form that she is in, Lorelei moves about Hueco Mundo and on rare occasions, the Human World in hopes of finding a place that will let her be alone, or protect her from the things she fears.

    RP Sample:

    “W-where is everyone….A-am… I alone again…?” Said a soft voice whose source was far from that. In the midst of an open desert of sand and spirit energy, the creatures of Hueco Mundo all seemed still. That was, all except for one creature, one hollow. Her name of Lorelei and she was a massive creature. In the middle of this desert, she laid, alone with nothing else in sight. “So…I’m finally alone. I can disappear now.” She said, muttering to herself with a bit of satisfaction. However, the young but massive hollow was all wrong. She was not alone and she was, in fact, surrounded by much smaller and hungrier hollows. They were staking out their prey in the hopes they would become stronger by devouring another hollow.

    And as soon as they saw it fit, they rose to attack, shrieking as they did. Lorelei, jolted and her resting position was compromised as the many small hollows jumped onto her. Panicked and frightened, she took off into the air carrying many of the creatures on her body and biting away at her. “No! I just want to disappear! Why can’t I be left alone?” The hollow dragon cried as she tried her best to fling off the little hollows. “Why can’t you all just disappear!?” And with that outburst, all the pain and weight was gone. Nothing was on her or biting away at her any longer. The little hollow were just gone. And with another sigh of relief, the dragon hollow landed once more, lying in the empty sands once again. “Where did they go…? Am I really alone this time?”
    Demi Ryu
    Demi Ryu

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    Lorelei Riviera Empty Re: Lorelei Riviera

    Post  Demi Ryu Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:49 am

    accepted. Good job.

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