I am going to say anything and everything that is true about this topic. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STANDING IN THE GODDAMN WAY WHEN I AND EVERYONE ELSE NEEDS TO MOVE! It pisses me off so bad! OK heres the situation...at my high school you only get 4 minutes to get to your next class and for me all my classes are very FUCKING far apart as in 5 minutes apart! The school leadership says you can get anywhere on campus in 4 minutes and they tested it walking backwards in circles from the corner of the school to the other but guess what they don't have in their way. SLOW ASS STUDENTS! They do it in a empty school during summer with none of people who cause the problems im about to list in their way. Also just as a note to explain why this pisses me off so bad due to the 4 min. time limit and "obstructions" I have to sprint most of the way to most of my classes just so im not tardy. First its the slow walking mother fuckers...im not mentioning races but if you feel the same as I do about this you know who im talking about...especially the females...UGGGGGGGGGGGGH! Second the idiots playing kissy face with their girl friends and boy friends in the MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING HALL and taking up space slowing me down. Ugh look buddy if you wanna suck face stand off to the side of the fucking hallway and quit blocking people out! This also brings me to the topic of the idiots who are standing and flailing around yelling at each other down the hall and even hitting people while preforming their epileptic seizure like fucking maneuvers. Look you dumb asses aren't cool you aren't funny you are IN THE FUCKING WAY! Here is another group of people who you just wanna beat with golf clubs and leave bleeding in the moonlight...the assholes who give you shit for passing them up or going around them and you barely graze a part of their body or baggage! i.e. backpack, purse, or if you brush shoulders. "WAT YOU THINK YOUR DOING BITCH WATCH WHERE THE FUCK YOUR GOING." Is usually what they yell in which I usually retort with "FUCK OFF AND MOVE YOUR ASS THEN!" to which they usually don't reply because they haven't thought up anything past what they first said. They think their buff and cool trying to call me out but again all their doing is being an ass and SLOWING ME DOWN SO IM FUCKING TARDY TO CLASS AND GET SENT TO SUSPENSION! Finally the most annoying of all and really this is more of coincidence but it still pisses me off to no end. That is the guys who don't see you coming and you almost collide and he steps to the side and you step to the same side and then you step to the other side and so does he and you end up in this back and forth tango looking really fucking stupid. It all come down to this...DON'T WALK SLOW, STAND OFF TO THE SIDE WITH YOUR PARTNER, GET A LIFE TRASH TALKERS AND MOVE SO I DON'T RUN INTO YOU, AND CHOOSE ONE SIDE TO STEP OFF TO DAMMIT!"
Anybody have the same problem or feel the same way as me?
tl;dr- Ruskin becomes angered by slow people in the hallway, discuss your own experiences.
Anybody have the same problem or feel the same way as me?
tl;dr- Ruskin becomes angered by slow people in the hallway, discuss your own experiences.