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    Ryu Mizumagi Character Application

    Demi Ryu
    Demi Ryu

    Posts : 107
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    Age : 33
    Location : A very dark place. You call it hell, I call it home

    Ryu Mizumagi Character Application Empty Ryu Mizumagi Character Application

    Post  Demi Ryu Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:24 pm

    Name: Ryu Mizumagi

    Age: 100

    Gender: Male

    At almost any given time Ryu is laid back and relaxed, preferring to sleep or play games rather than fulfill his duties. Ryu considers training to hone his skills a form of play, since he rarely uses the skills he gains whilst training. He prefers to settle things diplomaticaly rather than through violence, though he will step into battle when he needs to. Once in battle people are surprised to see how powerful he really is. Ryu works constantly to strengthen both his mind and body, whether it be through his own methods of training, meditation, reading, or friendly competition. While he feels that laws exist for a reason, he is not above bending the rules in order to do what is right. He is quite friendly with others, wanting to make as many friends and allies as he can. He a playful sense of humor, always being up for a good prank or joke between friends. Ryu has an innocent view of love and sexuality, blushing easily when he is around attractive women, or when being flirted with. He has a bad habit of rubbing the back of his head when he is nervous or embarrassed. During competition Ryu attempts to stay one step ahead of his opponent. His favorite food is strawberries and he dislikes asparagus. He does not drink alcohol himself but this doesn't keep him from being with friends who do. He will do anything for his friends even if it means having to break his code of conduct, even though he dislikes such a thing. He does not consider training with others "fighting". Rather, in order to bend his own rules he calls them "friendly competitions".

    The amount of Reiryoku (spiritual energy potential) Ryu contains is amazingly high, but this is only potential as the amount of Reiatsu (spiritual pressure) he is currently able to unleash is much lower. With training and effort he will definitely be able to reach much, much higher amounts of power. It has been shown that at times of intense anger Ryu is able to unleash levels of Reiatsu much greater than that of what he is usually capable of, reflecting his inner power. After unleashed an immense amount of power during his time in the caves under Soul Society, Ryu has realized that he contains much more power than he had previously known. Current, he is training to control these powers, though Kaminari has said that achieving Bankai would mean he has mastered 40% of these hidden powers. Due to Ryu's natural elemental reiatsu, he is able to generate, absorb and discharge electricity. The amount he can discharge depends on the level of power he is at.

    One of his favorite things to do is just sit, talk, and enjoy the day. This is evident by his constant attempts to be around his friends, owning up to the term "the more the merrier".

    Ryu is on the taller side, being about 6'2''. His body is a reminder of his lifestyle of constant training, being lean and muscular. He has spiked black hair, that stands straight up on end, despite this he always manages to have a single strand curving downward between his brown eyes. His face is white, but not pale. This gives a little hint toward the fact that he enjoys being outside. He wears a yellow tunic that has no sleeves, the bottom of which extends to his upper thigh. Under this he wears a black long sleeved shirt and black pants. A white belt with a yellow center piece sits at his waist. He also wears white boots with yellow tips near the toe. His zanpakuto's nylon cord is tied to his belt in a traditional samurai fashion.

    Zanpakuto Spirit:

    Spirit: Kaminari
    Kaminari appears as a muscular man of around 20. His yellow hair stands straight up and he has yellow eye brows with light blue eyes. He wears a yellow short sleeved undershirt over which is a blue sleeveless shirt that has the bottom tucked into his blue pants, a yellow belt holding it together. He wears white gloves and white boots with yellow tips. Kaminari seems to constantly have electricity sparking off him and gives off a constant yellow aura because of it.

    Kaminari is both similar and different from Ryu. He loves two thing: Fighting and playing. You can often find him either sleeping, playing, or training. When Ryu meditates, Kaminari will usually make Ryu train with him. This allows Ryu's spiritual energy to increase quickly while he meditates, though the injuries he gains in his Inner World is sustained on his physical body. Kaminari realizes the incredible potential Ryu contains and wants to unleash that power. The day when Ryu can unleash such a power excites Kaminari to the point he shudders. Kaminari loves to eat even though he doesn't need to. Due to the inner world not having any restaurants he must catch and make his own food from the various wildlife that inhabits his home. While he does catch and kill them for food, he will never hesitate to protect them from the storms that on occasions rage throughout the Inner World. While he sometimes acts goofy and child-like, he can be very stern and give wisdom filled advice when needed of him.

    Inner World:
    The inner world Kaminari inhabits appears to be a vast mountain range with a bright blue sky, beautiful forests and large mountains. Animals of all shapes and sizes inhabit this area, living in harmony with Kaminari and while meditating, Ryu. Every so often, storms appear and generate enormous amounts of lightning.

    Sealed Zanpakuto:
    Kaminari's sealed state resembles a normal katana. The guard is circular was engravings of clouds and small lightning bolts. the guard is gold while the ray skin is yellow and the wrapping black. The sheath is black with a black tie cord, which, as stated before, is tied around the belt at his waist.

    Shikai Description:
    Name: Kaminari
    Release Command: Command Lightning from the heavens (コマンド雷が天から: Command thunder from the sky)

    Kaminari transforms from the shape of a normal katana into the shape of a large Scythe. The staff of which is 6'4''. The large blade extends a few inches, then curves upward, before coming to a point and curving back downward. It curves 3 feet to another point and then back to the staff. The blade is black as is the staff. It weighs about 30 pounds, but Ryu is able to wield it as effortlessly as one would wield a katana.

    Ability: Along with the normal increase in power from being in it's released state, Ryu also gains a significant increase in speed and kidou ability due to the increased amount of electricity flowing through his body. He is also able to generate and manipulate larger quantities electricity while Shikai is active. He is also able to charge his Zanpakuto with this electricity and electrocute any foreign object it touches. It is capable of 4 electrical shocks before Ryu must send a new charge through it.

    Shikai Abilities:
    Heavenly Lightning: When using this attack Ryu blasts several bolts of lightning from his fingers or a single bolt of lightning from one or both of his hands. The power of the attack can vary from a minor electrical shock to a blast powerful enough to destroy buildings (minimum and maximum, depending on his starting level of power it may be more than the minimum and less than the maximum, more than likely, less than the maximum). When he uses a blast from his fingertips it takes signifigantly less energy than a blast from his open hand. At first he is limited to 3 blasts from his open hand and 6 blasts from his fingertips.

    Bankai Description:
    Name: Teikoku Kaminari
    After uttering the word "bankai" Ryu's scythe condenses to the size of a Nodachi (68 inches) with a yellow and black blade. The hilt has black wrap and yellow ray skin like the sealed state and the guard has changed to a square with 4 lightning bolts arranged in a counter clock wise direction. In addition, Ryu's features have also changed. His hair and eyes change to the same color as the spirit of his Zanpakuto. He also gains the bolts of electricity constantly sparking from his body and the yellow aura it creates. In order to achieve Bankai, Ryu must first learn to control at least 40% of his hidden potential. Kaminari notes that in order to achieve this, Ryu must first be enraged enough that he has access to at least 40% of his hidden potential, then learn to control that power without going into the rage. Then, Kaminari will allow Ryu to know his true name, and access bankai.

    Ability: He is able to use any technique from his Shikai state. As with any Bankai state Ryu gains a massive increase in power and speed.

    Arashi Moui Ikari (Wrath of Storm's Fury): Once Bankai has been activated an immense electrical storm begins in a area around Ryu, following him as he moves. He is able to mentally manipulate the conditions of the storm (such as wind, lighting, rain, etc...) and direct where the conditions are targeted. By using his hands to direct the conditions of the storm he is able to improve his accuracy and speed by nearly 2 times. At first he is able to call down up to 5 bolts of lightning in succession, then must wait 2 minutes before he can call down another series of bolts. The storm is only able to create winds up to 70 miles an hour. As Ryu learns to control his bankai more efficiently, this number will increase. The diameter of the storm is roughly 100 meters. When he first gains Bankai, the diameter of the storm shrinks by 10 meters every minute. Once the storm vanishes Ryu must wait 10 minutes before he can reform it. At higher levels the storm will no longer shrink.

    Bankai Abilities:

    Rank: 26

    Skill Level: Kidou: 138
    Skill Level: Swordsmanship: 117
    Skill Level: Shunpou: 116
    Skill Level: Hand-to-hand: 116

    Kidou Known:


    Ryu was brought to Soul Society when he was a baby, having died in the human world as such. Fortunately a loving couple found him. The two were a middle class family from Sector 20 of North Rukongai. Both had wanted a child badly, and the day they found baby Ryu was the happiest of their lives. Many years passed, and the young Ryu lived happily with the two. When he became 7 strange things began to happen. On random occasions, when someone would attempt to touch Ryu, they would be hit with a small electrical shock. Neither Ryu nor his parents had any idea why such an event would occur. As Ryu grew, the shocks became more frequent and violent, as if there was a power that Ryu could not control with in him.

    This was truly realized one night, when the 3 were returning home from visiting friends. Several unseated Shinigami cornered the three, demanding money. When his parents refused, the three drew their swords. Ryu's father tried to stop them, but they were able to cut him down easily. Watching his father's death drove Ryu to the brink of anger. Energy erupted from him as he cried out, bolts of lightning shot into the air as the child yelled, pushed past the point of anger by the three. The three shinigami were knocked backwards, slamming into the buildings across the street, presumably knocking them out. It wasn't until his mother reached him, and held him, speaking gently to him that Ryu was able to calm down. His mother suffered burns from the electricity surging through her as she touched her crying boy.

    With his father dead, Ryu and his mother had no source of income and were forced to move to the lower districts of North Rukongai. There they managed to take shelter in a large complex where many families lived. His mother worked many jobs a day in order to keep the two of them surviving. Ryu held a strong grudge against shinigami after this. They had killed his father and forced his mother to work all of these jobs because of it. As the years went on, he found that the energy forcing it's way out of his body was becoming more and more intense. He needed a way to control it. The woman who owned the complex where he lived suggested joining the Shinigami academy. Though the idea of becoming a Shinigami left a bad taste in his mouth, he knew that he could provide for his mother if he managed to work his way through the ranks.

    At the age of 25 Ryu Mizumagi joined the Shinigami Academy. It was through the kidou classes that he was able to learn to control his inner power... or... what he thought was his inner power. He was top of his Kidou class and in the top 5 of his Swordsmanship classes. He could easily predict his opponent's movements, and with his swift style of swordsmanship was able to disarm them quickly. Kidou was definitely his pride and joy. Ryu loved to perform and experiment with Kidou, playing with the different spells to make new, powerful combinations.

    Ryu was also quite popular at the academy. He made many friends, though, once he graduated they slowly lost touch. Most of his friends either joined the Kidou Corps or the Stealth Force, where are Ryu himself joined the Gotei 13. His friendly personality and approachable demeanor made him an easily likable fellow. During his time at the Academy he also discovered he dislikes fighting just to fight. It seemed pointless to him, why would someone want to fight and hurt someone else just because they can? He did not mind training with others, and if someone gets injured thats what happens, but to fight for the sake of fighting... he hated the idea. After graduating the Academy Ryu learned that not all Shinigami are like the three who killed his father. He promised himself that he would never become like that, and always protect those around him.

    Ryu graduated the academy after 6 years of hard work. Afterwards he joined the 10th Division of the Gotei 13 in order to serve under the child prodigy, Toshiro Hitsugaya. He had wanted to meet the young man for a long time. He had heard stories of Hitsugaya's powers being uncontrollable when he was younger, much like Ryu himself. He wanted to become friends with him, and learn how to better control the power that lie deep within him. He is currently the 5th Seat of Squad, though more than not, he is found doing the paperwork for his Lieutenant. Ryu's mother soon remarried, and lives with a man in the West Rukongai district, happily. Ever so often Ryu will visit them at their home.

    RP Sample:
    As the smoke clears a figure walks forward. "Not bad, but you're going to have to be much faster in order to hit me" the figure says. Opposite the figure is a large humanoid creature, black in color with the exception of the white mask on it's face. In the center of it's chest is a large hole. It roars loudly.

    "You were lucky to dodge that Shinigami, the next one will not be as easy" It says in a deep voice. It echoes on the tall buildings surrounding the creature. "You've interrupted the meal of a Hollow for the last time..."

    The dust and smoke clears revealing a man with spiked black hair, black clothing with a yellow tunic and a katana tied to his belt.
    "The name is Mizumagi, Mizumagi Ryu, and trust me, this is the last time you will ever feast on the souls of the living" he says as he places his hand on the hilt of his Katana. The creature laughs coldly then extends it's hand, lunging it at Ryu. Suddenly, Ryu vanishes, and the creature screams loudly. Blood pours as the creature's arm falls to the ground. Turning slowly the creature notices Ryu is behind it, his sword drawn and held offensively in front of him.

    The creature shutters and growls in fury "I am going to tear you limb from limb you foolish bastard!" he yells.

    "Not likely" Ryu says as he raises his hand to the creature. "Number 4: Byakurai" he says, then a bolt of white and blue Lightning blasts from his fingertip. The blast cuts through the creature's Mask blasting through the backside of it's head. The creature roars as it falls to the ground and electricity sparks over it's body. Ryu turns and begins to walk away as the monster's body begins to vanish. Looking to the top of one of the buildings Ryu notices a figure watching him. Ryu then speaks. "Mission Complete".

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 21, 2024 5:56 am