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    Character Application FAQ

    Demi Ryu
    Demi Ryu

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    Character Application FAQ Empty Character Application FAQ

    Post  Demi Ryu Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:24 pm

    Canon Characters

    If you decide to use a Canon character you must first make sure that there is not already a Application for that character. A player applying for a canon character has first dibs. If a player currently playing a Canon character does not use that character for 30 days that character will be stripped from them and put back on the market. For all canon characters, you may find generic information on them through a Bleach Wikipedia;

    Because all of the information we look for in Canon characters must be accurate to the Manga, there isn't much in the application that has to be judged. There for, reviewing staff members will be focusing more upon the Sample Post, as well as making sure information within the application is accurate. Please refer to the Sample Post section for more information. Canon Character stats will be provided for the player controlling the character. Rank, and the various Skills will be sent to a player who gets a Canon character via pm. Then, it can be inserted into the app.

    Cannon Character Limitations

    The current limit on the amount of Canon Characters a single player can hold is one.

    Creating a Character

    Some people may already have a character in mind when thinking of an application. However, one should always remember that picking the most powerful character possible is not always the best option. A team is only as strong as their weakest link, and people tend to always underestimate the weakest characters. Also a note to remember, if you do in fact choose to decide in making a very strong character, be warned that the stronger you make your character, the more judgmental the staff will be upon reviewing your application. More responsibility will be placed upon the player of such characters, and as well as a high expectancy of not Godmoding.
    Choosing a Race
    Shinigami are the standard issue characters. You will play a Shinigami fresh out of the Academy. As Such you are currently a low level Shinigami, but with time and effort, can rise through the ranks.

    Quincy are a rarity, it seems, however they are very unique in abilities. Holding no real sides between Shinigami and Hollows, they are a race of their own people and own unique powers that have not yet been dipped far into by the Bleach Universe, which opens players up for a variety of original characters, original plot lines, and of course, original abilities.

    Hollows are the Soul devouring opponents of Shinigami. At first they are not too powerful, but once you develop them, going through the ranks, you will see them transform into a very powerful force. They, like Shinigami, are able to transform into a more powerful form when their rank is high enough. In order to fill out a Hollow application, one must decide whether or not they will eventually transform into an Arrancar. A player will remain a Hollow until rank 5, after which they have the option to transform into an Arrancar at any time.If a player remains a Hollow, through ranking up they are able to transform into higher Hollow forms, such as Adjuchas and Vasto Lorde. Refer to the "How do my stats work" section for more information.

    Vizards are Shinigami who have gained the ability to generate a Hollow mask and use Hollows powers, in addition to their normal Shinigami powers. A player choosing to play as a Vizard will be considered a Shinigami for all intensive purposes until their Hollow Powers manifest. Will you hide your individuality? Will you become an outcast and leave the Soul Society forever when you are discovered? Who knows, getting there and playing through it is the fun part.


    Copies of moves, names, Zanpakuto spirits and their abilities will not be tolerated. The application will be instantly denied, and moved into archives. In some cases, a warning may be given by the reviewer, though it is up to the person reviewing the application whether or not the application can be fixed or not.


    Of course, it would depend upon your race. Most Shinigami can live far beyond human years; the same with Arrancar. Humans generally live up to about 80 - 120, depending on their spiritual energy, Quincy's quite possibly living a bit longer, around 130 years.

    For Shinigami, you are limited to a starting age of 80 to 200 years because not many Shinigmai who graduate the academy are much older than that. Players playing Hollows are freshly formed Hollows, and as such their age is up to the player. The spirit that transformed into a Hollow could be 200 years old for all Shinigami know.


    The best route to take is to try one or two basic personalities, and smooth out the edges. Arrogance, and evil, let's say for example. You wouldn't say in his personality that he cares for his friends and respects authority, would you? Try not to contradict yourself. It is understandable for a character to develop as time goes on, but that can be added to the Character Sheet you create when one ranks up. This section should roughly be 1 to 2 paragraphs; five to seven sentences each.


    Pictures are always helpful, but they should not be a replacement for appearance. Describe your appearance in detail. Height, weight, etc… As above, this section should be roughly 1 to 2 paragraphs; five to seven sentences each.


    Everyone's favorite section! Because we have such a variety of races, I've decided to break it down into different sections; Hollow/Arrancar, Quincy, Human, Shinigami, and Vizard.


    Humans, are usually deemed the weakest. Obviously, they have a limited amount of abilities and powers they can choose from. However; one should never count a human out! Orihime is a human, as is Chad, and the two of them have pretty amazing powers. Because Humans have no real added bonuses, like a Zanpakuto or transformation, feel free to be creative as you'd like, but remember to limit yourself. Make your character too strong, or don't express some sort of limit to your powers, we may see your abilities may be rejected. A human's power must rely on one of your 4 stats (Special Items, Swordsmanship, Speed and Agility, Hand to Hand).


    As with humans, Quincy are limited in their abilities. They'll have some form of bow-like weaponry, to answer to the Shinigami's Zanpakuto, but no real 'transformation,' like a Bankai or Resurrección. Thus, you can feel free to be creative here, but as stated above, don't forget to limit your abilities. If you make your character too powerful, the less likely it will be that they will become acceptable to the board. Feel free to add any unique equipment a Quincy may have, such a glove similar to the one


    Considered normalcy in the world of Bleach, Shinigami have a variety of techniques, abilities, and power ups at their disposal. As such, we recommend splitting up your abilities into the designated sections; Shikai abilities, Bankai abilities, and so forth. Remember; most normal/average Shinigami have one to three abilities in Shikai, and normally the same amount in Bankai. Please do not stack your character with seven abilities or more. However, if one was to make unique, small abilities that are properly categorized, and they happen to add up to the limited amount, it could be considered.

    For example; let's say someone wants to use a Fire-based Zanpakuto. They could have the normal Shikai, which would activate their Fire abilities.

    Now, one attack could hurl just a normal sized fire-ball. Another attack, however, could allow the fire technique to be used defensively, as a shield, perhaps (remember, limitations). That's two. Let's say that the fireball can become a stream of fire; that's three for Shikai. Now, the player could express that all these attacks could be considered very weak, basic attacks. They could then state that the Shikai also has an ability that allows for physical attacks to express a burst of flame, i.e., a combination of a physical attack and the fire-ball attack. That's four. Combining attacks of a Shikai can be considered, if they are limited and unique, in a sense. Already, we've met more than half. However, considering what we've got listed, this could quite possibly be a strong candidate for a possible acceptance, so long as a limitation is expressed in the descriptions.

    Bankai; everyone's favorite ability. For those attempting to achieve Bankai, the staff will be more judgmental upon your application, since Bankai will obviously make your character stronger. Remember; every Captain-level Shinigami has a Bankai (various exceptions are made; Kenpachi, etc.). We expect players who would like to apply for a Bankai to have experience on the board, and known a bit by the staff, so that we can come to understand the way you play, as well as understand if you are able to handle the responsibility of a character this strong. New Bankai abilities can be learned by pming the Mod and asking if you are able to. After reviewing your Character Sheet and development a Mod will decide whether you can or not, then send you instructions about how to.


    Hollows have their own set of powers. These vary from Cero, to Bala, to Garganta, though most of what was said for Shinigami can be said in the same sense here, for Arrancar. Bankai are equivalent to Resurrección, so remember the same rules, standards, and expectations apply.


    Players who apply for Vizards will be the most judged, since they can be considered one of the strongest races among all, in a standard/average basis. They have both Shinigami and Hollow abilities, and two transformation possibilities; Hollow Mask, and Bankai. Thus, please try to spread your powers out among the various groups. If you used the same abilities for the Shikai example up above, it might not be considered for a Vizard, just because there is more ability potential.

    Shikai – Limit yourself to one ability. Almost every canon character in Bleach has one ability. We are somewhat lenient, and may allow two or three. Some exceptions may be made, depending upon the abilities themselves, and the one who is reviewing the application.

    Bankai - The same as above.

    Hollow Powers - Remember that your Inner Hollow will also have these abilities when they take control of your character. Thus, the standard powers can be expressed here, like Cero, or the standard increase of normal abilities; reflexes, strength, speed, agility, etc. Again, do not say for one ability that all your stats are increased, and another, you can do a bunch of other crazy stuff. If you would like the standard increase of ALL stats, then you should limit the next ability, or simply keep it as that.

    Inner Hollow Abilities - Sometimes, when an inner hollow takes over, it's possible for another ability or two to pop up. HOWEVER; this should not be another section for you to just start adding more abilities. This section is more for creativity. For example; Ichigo's inner hollow uses the cloth wrapping to attack, whereas Ichigo does not. An attack like that can be listed here. Normally, simple attacks like that can add up to three or so here, but if it is an actual 'ability,' than it should be limited to one or two at MAX.

    Remember; the stronger you make your Vizard, the more we will expect out of your application as a whole.

    Skill Level

    At the beginning of Character creation, you will have a 10 in each field. You will then have 6 points to place in whichever category you wish, to give some diversity. Refer to the “How your stats work” thread for more information on Skills.


    For original characters, it would highly depend upon your race. Quincy and Humans would have a limited history, obviously being up to about 100 years or so to cover. Birth, parents, childhood, maturity/puberty, teenage years, adult life, schooling, friends, training, etc. Everything in terms of what goes on in one's life should be placed here. Now, that's not to say that you should be writing epic novels. However, key points, like the first time your character witnessed a spirit, or had their spiritual abilities discovered should be listed; key points in one's history and so forth.

    Shinigami are expected to detail their character history in full. Describe your days at the academy if you are a new graduate, where you came from in Soul Society, how you acquired your Zanpakuto, etc… Keep interacting with Canon character to a minimum, because it could interfere with the history of players using Canon Characters. Though, feel free to create and detail NPCs. If you are a part of a squad, make sure to detail how you came to be in that position. Low rank players may not apply for a seat higher than one described by their rank. For instance, a rank 1 player cannot apply for seat 5 in a squad.

    Sample Post:

    Within the application, you will find a section at the bottom indicated as Sample Post. It should be an introduction of your character and include exactly how you will portray him or her. Basically, this will be the focus of how the staff will determine whether or not do accept, deny, or ask for modifications, as the rest of the information can be easily copied and pasted. This post should be at least 3 paragraphs long and be written in the RP format, 3rd Person.


    Simply find the Race Application you want, copy it into a word document, fill it out, then repost it under the thread for your Race Applications. We will contact you to tell you whether or not it has been approved, then we will move your application into the corresponding thread.

    Due to a limit placed on the length of messages here on the board, we will allow those who have posts too long to fit into one message to break their app into two posts. Be sure to add "part 1" and "part 2" to the title of the threads with your app.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 21, 2024 3:43 am