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    Character Applications Rules


    Posts : 123
    Karma : 160
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    Join date : 2009-07-16
    Age : 35
    Location : The lonely little basement I call home

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    Character Applications Rules Empty Character Applications Rules

    Post  Spartan Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:07 pm

    Welcome one and all, if your reading this, then you're thinking about using this system, or at least pondering about playing in a game that's more D&D like. The system here is simple and easy to understand, and allows players to be in a game where you don't rely on another player to let you hit them, get bored with never being able to get hurt or even killed, and more.

    Now, let's start things off, and explain how the system works, and how it will affect your fun.


    This right here is your application; here you can find you general info, skills, attributes, and more. Attributes is your ability to perform in a certain field, with things like dodging a blow to, figuring out a hidden message, to seeing an enemy trying to sneak around the corner. Attributes are sent to players once the rest of their apps are ready to be allowed into the game, in four sets, three fully rolled out and ready to be swapped in, or a fourth set, with random values that players can place into whatever slot they want.

    Next comes Advantages, Disadvantages, and Skills. All players are given 100 points, which they can use to buy Advantages and Skills for their characters. Disadvantages though, while many would wish they don't have to take them, must, in order to prevent any Mary Sues. All players must take two disadvantages, but instead of spending points to get them, players are GIVEN points for taking them.

    On the matter of Skills, there are ten ranks for each skill, with the cost of each rank being the same as the base to buy it, so don't worry folks, no adding, no multiplying, just the same cost for each rank, every time.

    Finally, with this game, comes the little reminder that will follow you in each post, the status bar. In each in game post, players will have three bars, Health, Stamina, and Mental Health. Health is obviously, Health, how much more life blood players have until they croak, and get to be in the afterlife, which can be gained with medical attention, rest, etc etc.

    Stamina is the amount of energy the player's character currently has at the moment, and how close they are to collapsing from exhaustion. Stamina can be regained through eating, sleeping, resting, you name it.

    Finally, in comes Mental Health, and with it, the thin line between sanity and a mental breakdown. Mental health can be damaged by harmful sights such as seeing a friend get killed, and boosted by things like finding a new and fully loaded gun.

    Welcome to the game, and feel free to message one of us if you have any questions, have fun, and welcome once again to Gaming Highway.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 21, 2024 5:31 am