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    Hollow/Arrancar Powers

    Demi Ryu
    Demi Ryu

    Posts : 107
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    Hollow/Arrancar Powers Empty Hollow/Arrancar Powers

    Post  Demi Ryu Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:21 pm

    Hollow/Arrancar Powers:

    Hollows and Arrancar are unable to use Kidou, but on the bright side, they gain most of their powers very quickly. If a player wishes to add to the unique powers their Hollow or Arrancar has they must submit said power to a mod. That mod will then decide if they are allowed to use that power. If accepted the player must then make a thread detailing the gaining of the new power.


    At first Rank Hollows gain an attack called Cero. This attack is a blast of energy that destroys everything in its path. Unfortunately, when you start off, your Cero isn’t that powerful yet. Hollows gains 1 Cero per every other odd rank. So, at rank 3, a Hollow may use 2 Cero attacks during a battle. The strength of your Cero is proportional to the amount of points you have in your Hollow Powers skill. The higher that point value is, the stronger your Cero. Until rank 10, it takes a 1 post for your Cero to charge. Once you hit rank 10, you no longer have to charge your Cero. Once the amount of Cero is expended, your Hollow becomes drained of energy, and slow. This should be reflected in combat posts. Basically, this is a last resort for low level Hollow and a common attack for higher level Hollow. Once a Hollow reaches rank 18 there is no longer a limit placed on the number of Cero a Hollow can use. Arrancar follow the same rule. Both Hollow and Arrancar are able to choose the color their Cero takes.


    A Garganta is a portal that allows hollows to travel between their own world, the mortal realm and the realm of mortals. These portals appear to be rips in the sky that have no depth, but lead to a dark mouth transitioning between the two worlds. All Hollow are able to do this right off the bat, but it takes 2 posts time in order for the portal to completely open. Once a Hollow reaches rank 14 or becomes an Arrancar, they no longer have to wait for the portal to open. They are able to perform the technique at a moment’s notice, so it can be used for escape, or whatever purpose needed.


    Bala is a more powerful form of Cero. It causes more destruction and takes more power to perform. A Hollow is able to perform Bala at Rank 5, but to do so is not recommended. If a Hollow uses Bala before rank 10 they take a minus 10 to all stats. Once a Hollow reaches Rank 10 they take a minus 5 to all stats after using a Bala. Once a Hollow reaches rank 15 they no longer take any minuses after using a Bala. These minuses do stack. Other than this, the rules for Cero also apply for Bala. An Arrancar gains the ability to use Bala the moment they transform from a Hollow into an Arrancar. Arrancar take no minuses when using Bala, but are only able to use 2 per battle. This restriction ends at Rank 15. If a Hollow knows how to use Bala when they transform into an Arrancar their rules change to the Arrancar Bala rules listed above.


    This is the act of an Arrancar hardening their skin. Once this is activated sealed Zanpakuto slashes no longer harm the Arrancar. Shikai attacks from a character of no more than two ranks below the Arrancar’s rank and higher are able to do damage. So, a Rank 16 Arrancar being attacked by a Rank 14 shinigami could be damaged.
    Unreleased Zanpakuto, lower rank Hollows, and human – non reiatsu attacks do not harm an Arrancar with Hierro active.

    Hollow Only Powers:

    A Hollow is able to learn 1 Hollow power from this list at every other rank. These are different from the unique abilities each Hollow is able to use. Any Hollow can learn these abilities. Once a Hollow transforms into an Arrancar it can no longer learn any Hollow Only Powers, and loses any had previously known from this list.

    Instead of learning a new power, a player may submit a modified version of a already known Hollow Power, as if advancing that power.

    Soul-Body Seperation: All hollows have this ability. This technique allows a hollow to forcibly extract a living spirit from his/her body. It is usually not used because hollows tend to go after Pluses, who have no physical or living body to speak of. The soul is still attached by the Chain of Fate and can be saved, but if it is broken then the soul can prevent the Encroachment so long as he/she is placed inside a soulless body or animal.
    Rank 1 Power – Automatically learned at rank 1

    High Speed Regeneration: the ability that allows a hollow to heal any injuries very quickly. The more powerful a Hollow is, the faster the damage is repaired and the higher amount of damage can be healed.
    Rank 1 Power – Automatically learned at Rank 1

    Acid Touch: When a hollow grabs a human with their hands, the spot where the person was grabbed is shown to get burned as if acid were poured onto it.
    Rank 1 Power – Automatically learned at rank 1.

    Rafaga Electrica: A Hollow is able to discharge a small amount of electricity in order to stun an opponent.
    Rank 2 Power

    Telequinesia: A hollow with a Hollow Powers stat of 30 or more is able to learn this ability. Through concentration a Hollow is able to perform limited amounts of Telekinesis. The higher the Hollow Powers stat the stronger this ability becomes. A Hollow is able to perform this ability once per battle until the Hollow’s “Hollow Powers” stat becomes 70. Afterward this ability no longer has a usage limit.
    Rank 5 Power

    Negacion: Negación fields surround a target in a square beam of light that isolates the target from the dimension they are currently in, making it impossible to harm them. The target is pulled toward the source of the beam.
    Rank 7 Power – Automatically learned at rank 7

    Doble Cero: A Hollow is able to Absorb an incoming energy attack and redirect it as powerful cero back at the source. Depending on the difference in power between the Hollow and the opponent this ability may fail.
    Rank 10 Power

    Sombra Cero: A Hollow is able to fire a black Cero with highly destructive power. After the attack the Hollow take a -5 to all stats. This ends after a rest. The Hollow no longer takes this minus after rank 15.
    Rank 11 Power

    Masa Muscular: A Hollow using this power gains a temporary bonus to their hand to hand stat equal to half their rank rounded up. The Hollow’s muscles bulge and reiatsu flows through, increasing strength dramatically.
    Rank 11 Power

    Luminoso Auge: The Hollow’s eyes glow white, then flash brightly, creating a bright light for a brief moment.
    Rank 12 Power

    Empuñadura espada: A large curved blade extends from the Hollow’s forearm. The Hallow gains a +5 to Swordsmanship.
    Rank 12 Power

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