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    Special Weapons [Must get permission to use]

    Rape Bait

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    Special Weapons [Must get permission to use] Empty Special Weapons [Must get permission to use]

    Post  Clephas Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:51 pm

    Sa'Araal- Sa'Araal are what are called 'weapons of will' by many. These weapons are physical manifestations of the will of their wielders, and provide a number of common advantages to those who use them. The most commonly seen of these advantages is the ability to form a barrier against various hazards merely through an exertion of will. This can range from a simple bubble containing breathable air in the vacuum of space to a perfect sphere of energy capable of absorbing or reflecting the force of a warship’s plasma cannon (though, only a Gelaan could hope to perform the latter). In addition, the Sa'Araal can be used to manipulate gravity and energy at will, though this takes both time and training to master and is not instinctive like the forming of a barrier. The Sa'Araal have exhibited a number of unique abilities depending on their wielders, ranging from the ability to accelerate regeneration to the ability to shape shift freely. So far, there is no method for predicting what abilities will manifest.

    Artisan Weapons- Amongst the races from the Gelaan's original universe, there are those who possess the ability to create artifacts that are far more than the sum of their physical parts. They are called Mad Artisans. Mad Artisans in the past have created a number of weapons of a certain type that have come be called Artisan Blades. Like Sa'Araal, they are formed from the will of sentient beings, but unlike Sa'Araal, they are formed by ripping the core of that will, the 'soul', from the body and forcing it into a physical form. These weapons require that their wielders 'quench' them by killing two people with the weapon, one of which must be someone they love deeply. Doing this results in a permanent psychic bond with the wielder and grants that wielder a power so great it is capable of shattering entire planets. So far, no one who has quenched an Artisan weapon has remained sane, so it is uncertain if these weapons can be utilized in any meaningful manner.

      Current date/time is Fri Nov 22, 2024 7:18 pm