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    Vermael [Vital]

    Rape Bait

    Posts : 49
    Karma : 131
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    Join date : 2009-07-20

    Character Sheet

    Vermael [Vital] Empty Vermael [Vital]

    Post  Clephas Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:43 am

    Character: Vermael [Vital Character]

    Race: Gelaan

    Age: 52,621

    Physical Description: He is a young Gelaan with long black hair and crimson eyes. He is of average height (about six and a half feet tall) and he doesn't seem particularly muscular at first glance. However, upon further inspection, he is covered in wiry muscle. He usually wears clothes that are colored a dark blue that is just short of black. Though he rarely chooses to bring it out, he also has an Imperial Intelligence Agent's black gauze uniform in his belongings, as well as a grey steelsilk bodysuit.

    Personality: He is calm and serene to all outward appearances, though his Gelaan childhood has quite naturally instilled a certain potential for violent behavior in him. He is patient and calm, always analyzing a situation for the most efficient solution, and - though he hides it well - the solution that causes the least amount of collateral damage. He is capable of a kindness that most Gelaan never aspire to, though some have acquired it as part of their extensive contact with other races. He also has a certain love for a well-crafted plot or scheme and an equally strong love of unraveling the schemes of others. Though he is capable of being ruthless and indeed presents the appearance of being ruthless in public at all times, he is the type who leaves bags of money in the donation box of orphanages when he is sure no one is looking.

    Powers and Abilities: As an inheritance from his mother, he possesses the ability to skim the thoughts of others with a contemptuous ease. He also inherited from her the ability to completely mask himself from all senses. However, he also inherited her latent empathy, which bombards him with the emotions of others if he is not careful to shield it. Ironically, this makes him a truly superb instinctive fighter, for he always knows, one way or another, what his opponent will do before even the opponent knows. He has to deal with an unfortunate backlash from those he kills if he uses his empathy while doing it, but he has learned to absorb the pain and emotions of the dying without it effecting his clarity of thought or judgment. As a Gelaan, he possesses the ability to manipulate, time, space, and mater at will. He possesses a powerful Sa'Araal. It is a long fine-linked silver chain with miniscule blades nearly invisible to the naked eye rising from every link in the chain. At the end is a simple razor-edged spear head. It responds to his will to an extent, though he tends to wield it physically like a whip due to the fact that it does not penetrate his skin. An enemy who is even lightly touched by the chain will find their skin and muscle abraded away in an instant.

    History: Secretly from Katya (a now-Ascendant Imperial Human), Lady Mya (the second ruler of the Empire) took a sample of her tissue and sent it to the Imperial labs, where Ishrael agreed to have his own tissues melded with it to create a Gelaan child. Lady Mya appears to have done this partially for the sake of Katya who never undertook to create a child of her own blood. His childhood was not normal, even for a Gelaan. Though he excelled at the mental and physical tests, his empathy was an obstruction when it came to killing. After a rather vicious series of training assassinations and 'survival' tests, he came out alive and whole in mind and body - much to the surprise of his instructors. Not only that, but he had made of his empathy a deadly weapon that even the most skilled of his instructors could not defeat. He ruthlessly destroyed the instructor who had forced him to kill several of his childhood companions during the 'survival' tests by going inside the man's mind and bombarding him with everything the children had experienced as they died... He has been exiled from the Gelaan homeworld several times in the past, for various conspiracies that couldn't be proved. He has come to Myciel as Ishrael's aide along with his Companion, Syrventia.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 21, 2024 4:54 am