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    Syrventia [Vital]

    Rape Bait

    Posts : 49
    Karma : 131
    Reputation : 0
    Join date : 2009-07-20

    Character Sheet

    Syrventia [Vital] Empty Syrventia [Vital]

    Post  Clephas Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:50 am

    Familiar Name: Syrventia

    Age: Unknown

    Race: Void Dragon

    Gender: Female?

    Physical Description: Syrventia takes on many forms, including that of a large gray panther, a small ash-colored snake, and a small red-eyed squirrel. At times, she takes on the form of a little girl with silver hair, pale skin, red eyes, and black feathered wings. When in that form, she tends to wear a frilly dress of one sort or another, for reasons she has never deigned to make clear. Her favorite non-human form is that of a large raven with bright red eyes and abnormally large wings.

    Personality: She is in many ways Vermael's opposite, expressive where he is quiet, often blunt to the point of rudeness when he is polite, and far more open in her displays of affection. However, she definitely shares certain traits with her partner. She is inhumanly patient, enjoying long hunts and complicated schemes almost for their own sake, and she is equally vicious when it comes to revenge. She is very child-like most of the time, often spending entire months in child form, playing with the children of other races, but she sometimes shows a coldness of thought that belies her open and happy exterior when with the children.

    Abilities: She can open holes into the void with pinpoint accuracy, and she is a skilled hunter/killer. Her specialty lies in the quiet, discreet killing, such as opening a void portal the size of a pinhead inside a person's heart in order to give them a heart attack or in the brain to cause the symptoms of a brain aneurysm. While she can open a hole into the void capable of devouring an entire world, it is not in her nature to do so.

    History: She has little in the way of actual memories before meeting Vermael and bonding with him, but she will sometimes cry out in her dreams the name, 'Mika'. She bonded with Vermael some fifty thousand years ago, during his brief apprenticeship under the now-vanished Overlord Almaea. She joined the Companions Guild upon its formation forty thousand years ago, and is now one of its highest-ranking members below the level of Guildmaster. She was one of the people who helped design the implants that artificially create telepathic links between Companions and their employers.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 21, 2024 4:54 am