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    A Bleak Future - How To Post Properly & How To Actually Play (Part 2 of 3)

    Of the Flan Flan Clan
    Of the Flan Flan Clan

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    Name: Rin Tachibana

    A Bleak Future - How To Post Properly & How To Actually Play (Part 2 of 3) Empty A Bleak Future - How To Post Properly & How To Actually Play (Part 2 of 3)

    Post  Flan Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:04 am

    YOU MUST READ ALL RULES STICKIES IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS GAME. Seriously, they're not that long and they're not complicated at all. Stop complaining. Razz

    2b. How To Post Properly

    1) The thread creator DOES NOT have absolute power over a thread if it's designated "interactive." If other players can join it, they can and will change things around a bit. Adapting to these changes is part of the fun of RPing, though. But seriously, don't be an asshole about it and ruin someone's thread.

    2) DO NOT GOD-MOD. God-modding, also known as trenchcoating, is the act of making your character into some kind of unrealistically invincible badass with no flaws whatsoever and every possible advantage one can think of. The most important thing to remember is that God-modding is not encouraged or even allowed. It is alright to post one's actions, but do it in a realistic manner; people who suddenly perform impossible actions to miraculously survive some deadly encounter unscathed, or people who magically slaughter a large force of enemies with all headshots are all examples of God-modders. For the sake of an authentic RP experience, stick to your character concept as much as possible. Don't do anything he or she wouldn't do as a character, because that makes them unnatural and fictitious.

    Examples of God-modding:

    Ryan slams on his brakes, causing his McLaren F1 racecar to slide to the side, avoiding the enemy rocket-propelled grenade. While performing a racing start with one hand, he fires his Desert Eagle at the cultists, emptying all 14 rounds in the special extended magazine into the faces of all 14 cultists.

    2)Remember to always post the name of the character you're RPing at the top of your post in bold. You should always post in third person, past tense, however present tense can be used as long as its usage makes logical sense. If you want, you can even host multiple character's perspectives in one post, for say a Secondary Character, however you must differentiate between the two by posting the bolded character's name in between.

    3)Remember to keep all out-of-character comments in brackets with OOC in front, in a new paragraph.

    [OOC: I'm out of character right now.]

    4) Remember to check your post for spelling and grammar errors, as these make you look like an illiterate moron and no one will want to roleplay with you, like poor dumb Larry who picked his nose in class back in elementary school. Firefox has a built in spell-checker, use that.

    3c. How To Actually Play

    Things to remember:

    Your character does not have an infinite amount of gasoline or food, so instead of having a character run or drive across the entire US and back in a few threads, stop and roleplay him buying gasoline in exchange for some other item, such as ammo or food, at some trading outpost in the middle of nowhere. Who knows, he could even start an encounter like befriending an old settler who inherited the trade station, or be attacked by gangs. The same goes for ammo, and items like boots, clothes, and car parts all need to be replaced at one time or another.

    Trade in the wasteland is mostly done by bartering, which means you trade some good or service for another good or service. Some areas have some form of currency, like the International City of Freehold, which uses stamped silver coins, but these currencies are useless except as raw materials in other places. For example, staple trade goods could include ammunition, weapons, gasoline, electronic equipment, tools, clothes, raw materials, and other miscellaneous items such as rare mushrooms, animal pelts, or even hard drugs and alcohol. You could also trade a service for goods, such as offering to guard a trade caravan heading west in exchange for a roof over your head and 3 meals a day, or even sell yourself as a prostitute for necessities such as water and food. Out in the lawless wastes, anything goes. As for currency, some places may use paper money, some places may use wigwam, whatever, since small change allows characters to carry a fortune in a hidden pouch or pocket, as opposed to lugging around jugs of gas or cases of ammunition, which make you slow and an obvious, easy target for highway robbers.

    There really isn't much else to say here. Just write out what your character is doing, thinking, or saying. The best way to show this is to provide examples of posts done right:

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 21, 2024 11:57 am